Territory Pest Control

ABN Number: 97 163 172 967
Years Established: 1965
Hours: Monday - Friday: 12 am–12 pm
Pest Control License: Yes
Insured: Yes
Territory Pest Control provides treatment of termites, mice birds, bee, and wasp control, bed bugs, ants, rats, cockroaches, pantry, pests, fleas, possums, & spiders treatment in Alice Springs.
Location: Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Street Address:
83 Smith St, Alice Springs NT
See other listings by this user
Years Established: 1965
Hours: Monday - Friday: 12 am–12 pm
Pest Control License: Yes
Insured: Yes
Territory Pest Control provides treatment of termites, mice birds, bee, and wasp control, bed bugs, ants, rats, cockroaches, pantry, pests, fleas, possums, & spiders treatment in Alice Springs.
Location: Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Street Address:
83 Smith St, Alice Springs NT
See other listings by this user
Listing added on: 01/21/17 , Total hits: 1876

83 Smith St, Alice Springs NT
Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Alice Springs, Northern Territory